Comprehensive Solutions
for Crisis Management

  Success Stories  

A new kind of company
Alert Clients
Real cases. Real results.
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Evaluating exposure and building data resources
Building a Comprehensive Crisit Management Plan
Marshalling strategic specialists for effective response.
Normalizing post-crisis operations.
Meeting the need to know and mangage-at every level
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© 1999 ALERT Technology Group, Inc. 

Success Stories From ALERT And Its Strategic Partners

Integrated Hazard Detection for Industry & Government

  • An integrated emergency preparedness assessment was performed for a large international pharmaceutical company. The project site had approximately 7000 employees and 5 satellite operations. Several hazards were detected and identified that potentially compromised business operation and posed strategic risks.
  • Conducted a hazard and vulnerability study for the City of Kirkland, WA. Principal threats or hazards that could occur in, or around the City of Kirkland were detected and identified. The project was a systematic investigation of potential emergency and disaster situations that could realistically occur within the Kirkland jurisdiction .
  • Provided integrated mapping services for the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference. This was used to:

- Detect congested areas, building heights and potential sniper locations
- Determine the motorcade route for the Seattle Police and the U.S. Secret Service
- Detect and identify the primary / secondary emergency routes
- Determine the placement of essential resources

Integrated Crisis Communication

  • Responded to the New Carissa oil tanker incident off the coast of Oregon.   Integrated private sector concerns with local, state and federal agencies activities .
  • Provided counsel, community relations and media relations support to the regulator of the Savings & Loan industry and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle, during the controversial S&L restructuring in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Security & Threat Assessment

  • At a major US owned production plant in Cali, Colombia., all the multi-national companies with expatriate personnel in management positions had been threatened by the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.

Several U.S. companies were subject to acts of violence, while this client was unmolested. In this specific instance, it has been concluded that more vulnerable targets were selected by Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia rather than deal with this clients newly hardened facilities, increased response capability, updated equipment, and enhanced security awareness.

  • A U.S. business operating in the Caribbean and South America requested assistance in dealing with a foreign competitor who was undercutting their prices through questionable/illegal practices.

The information provided to the client by our services was reviewed and delivered to the appropriate law enforcement agencies for investigation and prosecution of the competitor. The client remained anonymous throughout the process and prosecution efforts are still continuing.

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